Saturday, May 31, 2008


Here is the update to the stuff from my last post:

School - I passed that test. Everyone at the testing center heard *smack* *smack* *smack* They were like, "What is that noise?" I was like. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's just me spanking your test."

Work - Yeah, I got to start working on a way to stop doing that.

Kids - Ethan started walking. Now I need to start teaching him how to get me a Pepsi out of the fridge.

Hobbies - I've been lifting weights for two weeks straight now. I can now rip phone books in half. Well, at least the front covers.

TV- I finished the first season of Lost. I have to admit that I'm into it a little bit. I'll probably be starting the second season soon. Its good to have a show to replace Battlestar. That thing is getting worse every week.

Church - I preach at Clearview Fellowship at the end of next month. They will never be the same.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Yeah, about that going to start blogging more thing...

A was a little busy with work, school, hiding the drugs, the kids, and weddings the last few weeks, but everything is slowing down a little now. So for all of those curious, here is a quick recap of what I'm doing lately.

School - I took a rather important test today. The phrase "fake it till you make it" sums everything up nicely. I'm going to have fun being a teacher.

Work - I sit in a cubical and make bad numbers go away for eight hours a day, for some reason I didn't get asked back this year as a career day speaker at the elementary school .

Kids - Ethan gave up the bottle but still won't walk, I'm thinking about taking up the bottle. Me and Hannah are both about a year from starting grade school.

Hobbies - Tyson and I bought a weight bench. I got Autumn a sewing kit because her husband's going to be ripped. Just kidding, she knows I already am.

TV - Battlestar is off for a week, Ghost Hunters for a month, Office is done for the year. I started Lost. I'm half way through season one and the fat guy hasn't lost any weight since he first crashed on the island and the dog hasn't been in the last two episodes. I'm just saying...

Church - I've decided I don't like a church having greeters. I had the same guy shake my hand and say "good morning" to me three times last Sunday. At the church I went to the week before I had to make through four different staff greeters to find a seat. I'm going to start wearing a greeter name badge as I check out churches. Maybe if they think I'm one of their own they'll let me pass by in peace.