Saturday, May 31, 2008


Here is the update to the stuff from my last post:

School - I passed that test. Everyone at the testing center heard *smack* *smack* *smack* They were like, "What is that noise?" I was like. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's just me spanking your test."

Work - Yeah, I got to start working on a way to stop doing that.

Kids - Ethan started walking. Now I need to start teaching him how to get me a Pepsi out of the fridge.

Hobbies - I've been lifting weights for two weeks straight now. I can now rip phone books in half. Well, at least the front covers.

TV- I finished the first season of Lost. I have to admit that I'm into it a little bit. I'll probably be starting the second season soon. Its good to have a show to replace Battlestar. That thing is getting worse every week.

Church - I preach at Clearview Fellowship at the end of next month. They will never be the same.

1 comment:

venue church said...

Hi Shaun, I found your blog on accident while searching for my husband's blog. I read your blog about the church plant & found it interesting, cuz my husband & I are planting a church also. We know the journey ahead will change our lives forever. We are definately stepping on the waters of faith, but we know that we know God has called us to do this. I'd love to stay in contact. I find your blog very insightful. blessings~faith Check out venue church blog: