Friday, February 1, 2008

To do list

Things I did instead of preparing for church this week:

1. Finished watching Spaced - This is a British sitcom from a while back staring and created by the guys from Shaun of the Dead. If you haven't seen this show your life is incomplete. Go out and find it now! Unfortunately, it only ran for 14 episodes, so you just start to enjoy it and then it's over, like getting a date with the homecoming queen only to find out her curfew is 9 o'clock.

2. Read for fun - I'm rereading the Song of Fire and Ice books. George Martin has made me happy in ways that I never thought a large man with a lot of facial hair could. Rumor has it that HBO is going to be making the books into a series once the writers' strike thing cools down and I can't wait. Meanwhile, I think I'll pick up his novellas while I wait for him to finish that next book I've been waiting two years for.

3. Did homework - This week I learned about mental retardation. Maybe I'll just leave it at that.

4. Picked up about three weddings - The wedding phone calls have started again. I had made up my mind not to do anymore, but with the church plant no more my weekends suddenly look free again.

5. Played dumb internet games - You know, those ones that are free to play and are all basically the same kind of puzzle or word game with different graphics and slight variations. They have this one where chickens lay eggs with letters on them and you have to spell words with them (the eggs not the chickens). Man, it seems like someone has beat me to all the great ideas in life.

6. Did my taxes - This time of year makes my happy that I have kids. Daddy loves his little tax credits.

7. Looked forward to the weekend - Don't get me wrong, I had a great time running the church, but when you get a time to rest you need to enjoy it. I have nothing to do this week except meet everybody for lunch on Sunday. The last time I had nothing to do on a Sunday was July and whereas I don't think this Sunday will compare to a beach trip, it'll do nicely all the same.

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