Saturday, February 16, 2008

Open road

The church plant has been closed for two weeks now and so far I've been offered a place at two other churches. I like the pastors at both these churches, but I'm not committing to anything for awhile. I need to spend sometime doing nothing for a little bit. Well, not exectly nothing, just things without major commitment. I am going to be preaching at Clearview on the night of March 30th. I actually think that'll be fun.

Since the Venue has been closed:

1. I've been reading the bible more.

2. I've been feeling less anxious about the future.

3. I've been playing with my kids more on the weekends.

4. I've been learning to trust God a little more.

5. I've started to lose the fifteen pounds I gained back last year.

It funny how bad for you planting a church can be if you're not careful.


faintnot said...

I miss your posts...

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