Monday, September 3, 2007

Misc. Stuff

1. Today is Hannah's third birthday. This means she'll be able to get a job soon and start pulling her weight around here.

2. Autumn and Bekah are at the day spa right now. I asked Autumn what she wanted for an anniversary present and she opted for some relaxation. In three weeks we will have been married nine years. I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into when she said, "I do."

3. One of our monitors went out on Sunday. We spent the extra money and went for powered monitors thinking it would be less hassle for set=up and tear-down, but the amps inside them are very susceptible to damage when being moved around. We'll have to think about what we're going to replace them with.

4. Last night Tyson, Bekah, Jason Autumn, and I played Monopoly until 11pm. I actually had a lot of fun even though I finished dead last. I swear, I owned as much property in the game as I do in real life.

5. I think I'm going to grill up some hot dogs and hamburgers today seeing how it's Labor Day and all.

6. I think I'm going to take some online classes to finish getting my teaching certificate. I don't plan on taking a salary from the church anytime soon and the idea of a job that gives me three months off a year seems kinda nice.

7. Ethan misses his mommy right now and he's making sure I know about.

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