Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yo Mama

For those of you who haven't noticed, I've added a new link to a blog called Faintnot's Frenzy. This is Bekah's mom's blog. She is part of a really effective street ministry here in Vegas and she just began blogging not that long ago. Go check here out and show her a little love.

In honor of her blog I feel another list is in order, so here are the ten things I like about Bekah's mom (in no particular order):

1. She spends every Friday feeding the homeless, both physically as well as spiritually. I think a lot of us "doing church" have forgotten the First Council of Jerusalem's urging to Paul not to forget the poor, myself included.

2. She can burp a baby just by looking at it the right way.

3. She's always looks very happy whenever I see her and I don't remember her ever cussing me out.

4. She's not an arsonist.

5. She gave birth to and raised one of the coolest people I know. Oh, and Bekah too!

6. She prayed for my son after she watched how I make his bottles.

7. Her dog hugged me once.

8. She's been through some hard trials in her life that would have shaken the faith of many, yet came through stronger for it.

9. She introduced Bekah to the guitar. Our worship team is indebted to her for that act, it wouldn't be the same having a kazoo led service.

10. She actually reads my blog on a regular basis. Let's face it, anyone who listens to my ramblings and comes back for more can't be that bad of a person.

1 comment:

faintnot said...

You are too kind, but I love it...thanks, you made my day!!!