Monday, May 7, 2007

First Day Off In Weeks

Today was my first real day off in weeks. I never meant to break the whole day of rest thing, but I guess I didn't think about how busy things were going to be after the church started and it nearly killed me. I have found you have to be intentional about your time off or else you will end up not having any.

This whole switching jobs things is going to make it so that I don't have to do weddings any more to survive, so I plan on cutting back drastically on those. It's really good money, but the money isn't worth the dread I've been feeling every week in knowing that the only day that I had a chance to have off is gone.

My rest really started yesterday after we got the truck unloaded. I have now had a full 24 hours of being able to sit around and not have to think about anything related to work. What's even better is that I still have tonight with nothing to do and all day tomorrow as well. I am a happy man again.

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