Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I have been away from substitute teaching for a little over two weeks now an d it feels great. I needed a break from it, but to tell the truth, it isn't that bad of a job to have when planting a church. For those of you thinking about doing it, I'd like to help out with some advice.

Here are ten things elementary school principals never like to hear:

1. "I was supposed to have how many children?"
2. "I wasn't aware that smoking in the classroom was frowned upon."
3. "Are leather pants permitted on causal Fridays?"
4. "The good news is that the fire is out..."
5. "I had to use my belt."
6. "They were good, so I let them all go home early."
7. "I had to leave, so I asked my cousin Frank to take over for the rest of the day."
8. " Are you single?"
9. "I may have had one or two before work this morning."
10. " I told the kids about the time I was abducted by aliens."

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