Thursday, May 3, 2007


I should be asleep right now, but I've been working on my sermon and the caffeine that I've been using for motivation hasn't worn off yet.

This was a tough week, everything in my life just seemed to hit me all at once starting on Monday. Nothing really had changed as far as life goes, it was just one of those times when you start wondering what God was thinking when He put you in a place like this. I swear, sometimes my problems look like giants and I feel like a dumb kid holding a stick and a few rocks.

Today God gave me hope. I found out that I got the job I'd applied for (more to come on that, I feel a list coming soon) and my message is starting to come together among other things. For right now life feels manageable, this is sure to change at anytime, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Anyway, I should get to bed. Tomorrow is going to be my last day of teaching for awhile.

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