Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Tomorrow will be my last day of work before I go on vacation. I'm heading out to California to visit my old friend, the beach. It's a funny thing going back to California to relax, seeing how it was the place that nearly destroyed me. I felt so tired, alone, and disillusioned those four years I lived and went to school there, that you'd think I'd never want to see that place ever again, much less have a four day vacation there. The truth is that no matter how much I talk about how bad my college years were, there were some very good things that occurred during the those four years that makes me say I don't regret moving to California and I would do it again if I had to.

The Good Things California Gave Me:

1. Friends - If it wasn't for California I would've never met Bekah, Jason, or Maylene. My life wouldn't be the same without them and I can't even think about how miserable their lives would be if they never met me.

2. My priorities - I found out what is worth hanging around for and what should be let go of during my time down there. I lost a lot of my religion, but I found true faith and purpose.

3. The Beach - Oh, so many sick days were spent getting better on the sand.

4. Confidence - The thing about having everything falling apart all around you all the time is that you start to realize what your made of and who is holding you up. It sounds cliche, but sooner or later you begin to realize that no matter what happens God will be there in the morning.

5. Nature - Growing up in Las Vegas I never knew there were places where green plants grew and animals could come out in the day time without bursting into flames.

There are a few more, but that's enough for right now, I need to pack. I'll let you know how it goes next week, but till then I'll be on the sand once more.

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