Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Complicated Question (At Least I Made It That Way)

So, a couple weeks ago Linda hit me with the question, "What would Jesus say to you?" I said I'd eventually get around to answering it, but to be completely truthful, I don't know.

Honestly, it's a dangerous question. There is a temptation to say what you would like to believe Jesus would say and not what He really would. If you perceive yourself as doing what He wants or on the edge of His will you might answer something like, "Well done, good and faithful servant." If you see yourself as unworthy or falling short you may answer to the effect of, "Repent and return to your first love." The anxious might say, "My peace I give to you." The lonely, "I will never leave you or forsake you." You get the idea.

Maybe this isn't always a bad thing though. Doesn't the way we respond to people change at times due to the mood they are in? Don't we say comforting things to our loved ones when they are depressed? Aren't we more likely to laugh with someone who is happy? Maybe people think they hear certain things from God at times because those are the things they need to hear right then and if those are the things they need to hear wouldn't that be what God would say?

The danger comes when a person tells themselves things that God wouldn't say. A prideful person may believe that God would justify their pride. A self loathing person may think God would have only negative to say to them.

It all comes down to the question we all face when we believe we've heard from God, "Was that God or just me?" The answer might sometimes be both.

So, I've managed to ramble on for a full page without answering the question. As I said before, I don't know, but if I had to take a guess right now I'd say it would probably be something like, "Do you love me more than these?"

It might be time to feed the sheep.

1 comment:

Jim L said...

Shaun, thanks for this post. I think you're right - it may change depending on your mood, where you are in your life, etc. And of course none of us want to be called a "whited sepulchre!" :-)

I have added a link to here from the original meme post at