Friday, November 16, 2007

Sick, Sick, Sick

Everyone around me is getting sick! It started with Bekah getting a cold earlier this week. Then, Ethan started getting a fever and have insane bouts of diarrhea (I think it has to do with him cutting two teeth). Yesterday, Bekah started feeling a little warm and it eventually turned into a fever. Last, night Autumn came home and spent a good amount of the night puking her brains out.

I was wrestling with the idea of staying home today, but I'd already missed a bit of work this week (dental appointment and taking Autumn to get some lab work), so I decided to go ahead and go. When I got to Bekah's it was no surprise to me that she had decided to stay home today, I was actually impressed she made it through yesterday with as bad as she felt. When she asked me if Autumn would be home in case she needed the car to go to the doctor, I suddenly got picture in my mind of my son, my wife, and my friend all sick in the car together trying to get to the doctor's office, it was slightly amusing.

I decided that I should stay home. This way Bekah has her car if she needs it, I can take care of the kids for Autumn while she sleeps and if any of the three of them get really bad there will be one healthy person around to take them somewhere. Plus, I get some time to work on classwork.

For some strange reason, I barely ever get sick even when I'm around people who are all the time. I think it has something to do with being raised in such a horrible environment as a kid. My immune system got an extra boost in my early years. Either way, if I do happen to pick up something up, it'll be fine with me. I have over a week of paid time off and sleeping in doesn't sound all that bad.

In other news, I might do a second post today. I have some great news about Mike, but my kids need tending to at the moment.

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