Monday, November 5, 2007

A Year?

It's now been one year since the church planning meeting started. It's strange to think about everything that has happened in the last twelve months, where we were then and where we are now. I swear it doesn't feel like it's been a year yet.

I recently went back and read my old blogs from the last year. If nothing else I think blogging has been good for me in the way it gives me a record to look back and see where I've been and the things that were going through my head at peculiar points in the past. I have a habit of forgetting what God has done and what He has given me, writing these random thoughts down looks like it might prove to be a good tool to fix this (at least a little). I guess a journal would serve the same purpose, but blogging is a little more manly.

I've been slacking off a bit on the whole thing, but I'm going to try to become a little more regular. I think it's good for me even if it might be for my readers.

1 comment:

Ron Steslow said...

Hey Shaun, Judy and I journal daily. Ok so journel doesn't sound manly. Here is what I do to make it better. After every journal entry I reach in side my t-shirt and rip about 20 chest hairs out and grit my teeth and growl. Problem solved dewd! :)