Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Father's Advice (Part One)

It was a really good concert tonight. I don't know what it is about going to shows, but I seem to always find myself staying up and thinking about things afterwards.

Bekah's mom tagged me with a very good question about what Jesus would say to me and I plan on answering it in one of my next few posts, but it got me thinking about something else. I was thinking about what advice a father would give to his son and that started making me think about what advice I'd leave for mine. So, sitting here in front of my computer in the dark with the echo of the amplifiers still ringing in my head I started reflecting on all the things about being a man I had to learn the hard way, the things I wish I would have had a father to teach me. I realized that this would take more than one post, but why not start with one tonight?

So here it is. My advice to my son part one:


There will come many times in your life where you will be called on to stand against someone or something bigger and stronger than yourself. It may be to defend yourself, to defend someone you care about, or to defend what is right. When these times occur you will always find yourself facing two choices. You can run and hide, or you can stand and fight. The first option will be the most tempting for they are the easiest, not easy mind you, just the easiest. The reason for this is that the second option holds the definite possibility that you may lose and losing a fight is painful, both physically as well as emotionally. The first option is safe, the second is down right dangerous.

Listen to me carefully Ethan, choose the second. You don't have to win, but you do need to fight. Fight and if you lose pick yourself up and get ready to fight again the next day, and the next, and the next. Don't run and don't hide, your problems will only increase and you will be less ready to handle them the next time they show up. No one wants to mess with someone who is willing to fight them everyday if they have to. Remember, a dog can take a skunk in a fight, but it's just not worth it.

Excuse my language, but the problem with many people is that the are afraid of getting their asses kicked. Maybe they've gotten beat down once before and decided that they'd rather run and hide than go through that ever again (And don't think I'm talking only about physical fights). As bad as losing seems though, running is always worse. I spent the first half of my life running from my problems and the second half standing up to them, getting beat down, and getting back up. I prefer the latter by far.

Ethan, there will be times when locking yourself away in a dark corner of your room and hiding from everything that wants to hurt you will be tempting. Don't give in. As hard as it will be to believe sometimes, the world needs you and as much as your pride will deny it at times, you need the world as well.

In short, do your best to fear God alone, the rest will work itself out.

1 comment:

faintnot said...

Wisdom....however a good thing to have. Ethan is in good hands.