Tuesday, November 6, 2007

There's Crack in the Coffee!

I've gone over a week now with very little soda. Anyone who knows me knows that I can put away Pepsi like it's nobody's business, but things were getting a little out of hand so I decided to take a partial fast from soda for a little while. I've cut back to 16oz a day Friday through Sunday and none on the rest of the week. After a few more weeks I plan to move up to one can a day and stay there for a good while.

Anyway, today I decided I needed a little caffeine to get me going so I got a grande latte from Starbucks. As I said before I drink a lot of soda, so I can put the caffeine away like no one else, but there is something about Starbucks that is too much even for me. I think they put enough caffeine in those things to momentary wake the dead. Add this to the fact that I've been working off very little caffeine for the last week and a half and you have one jittery man on your hands.
I thought I was going to go nuts staying in my seat all day. My mind kept switching train of thoughts on me and I felt like I was talking slightly fast.

It's ten hours later and I'm starting to come down. Maybe I'll opt for decaf next time.

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