Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Feeling Cocky Again

I was depressed last week. This is a strange thing for me because if anything I tend to be overly optimistic. I can't remember the last time I was depressed, it must of been way back in college (those were depressing days if I ever saw any). I think it was a mixture of lack of sleep, the inability to control every situation in my life, and a little self-doubt (okay maybe a lot of self-doubt).

The funny thing about it is, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. So many great things have happened in the last two months that I really feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world, my son being born, the church plant starting, getting out of debt, starting a new job at Bekah's work just when I needed it, and watching our first home being built, just to name a few. It's funny how you can let fear and doubt keep you from enjoying the best things in your life.

I realized I over analyze things too much and I need to enjoy each day I'm given. This week I feel my confidence returning and I think I'll be back to normal by tomorrow or the next day (well, what passes for normal for me anyway).

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