Sunday, June 3, 2007


We had some problems getting the air on in the school for our service times in the past, but we talked to some people and got it fixed. The last few Sundays have been really good temperature wise which is a good thing since we've been climbing into the 100's here in Vegas lately. Today, however, was another story.

We we got to the school this morning we noticed that the hum of the the AC units that we have grown to love was nowhere to be heard. When we got into the school our fears were confirmed by the oppressive heat that awaited us inside. Fortunately we had thought ahead and brought fans with us for just such a situation. The fans made it bearable, but not perfect.

I'm thinking that this was just a paperwork error since we had to refile our lease agreement with the school this week. I hope it's on next week because it's only getting hotter here.

To give you an idea of how hot it is, here is a list of the only things hotter than the school without AC:

1. Hell
2. The inside of a 1976 LTD Ford parked in the Vegas dessert in August (childhood flashback)
3. The inside of a incinerator used for cremations
4. Me with my shirt off
5. The Sun

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