Thursday, June 14, 2007


I've said before that for the first time in my life I feel like the future isn't written, or at very least I don't know it. Always before I had some kind of purpose that I felt I was working toward such as getting my degree or planting this church. Now, I feel like I'm no longer striving for some place, but rather I'm in it. Before, I always knew that God was bringing me to this place and one way or another I'd get here. Now, that I'm here I have no idea where I'm going to end up.

The funny thing about not knowing the future is that it can have one of two effects on you. Either you dread what's coming next because you doubt it can possibly be good or you look forward because you have the hope that it will be. Doubt and hope, this is what ever day you get out of bed comes down to.

Today was a good day. I believe tomorrow will be too and whereas I don't know what the next few months are going to bring in my life, I'm looking forward to them. I know I'm right where I'm needed and there is hope in that.

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