Friday, February 16, 2007

A Horrible Sound

I just got home from work. My daughter fell asleep on a pillow in the living room and I went upstairs to check me e-mail. I wasn't even half-way through deleting the useless spam when I heard the sound that every parent fears...choking.

Soon after becoming a parent you develop the uncanny ability to distinguish and interpret every sound your child makes. You can tell the difference between a real and fake cry. You can tell between a happy scream and a scared scream. Most of all, you know the difference between a cough and a choke.

What I heard was a choke and a bad one. I took the stairs in two leaps and when I got down to my daughter it looked a bad rock star end. There was my daughter lying in a pool of her own vomit choking on the chunks.

I got her up and to start breathing again and now an hour later she's playing and laughing like nothing happened, but stuff like that freaks me out especially seeing how I have a newborn coming soon.

True love is washing vomit out of someones hair.

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