Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today Was Interesting

The interview thing that I did today was a little bigger than I thought. There were about forty people there from all over the country to talk about how to empower church planters better. It was just myself and two other church planters being interviewed.

The first hour and a half considered of the leaders talking about why we've failed in the past and if they should repent in prayer or not. Then they asked each of us how they could serve us better as leaders. The other two planters went first, I was glad because this gave me time to think up an answer. When they go to me I still didn't have an answer, so I asked them to repeat the question (this tactic always worked well in college). Finally, I had to answer.

I'll try to keep it as close to what I said as I can remember but keep in mind it was off the cuff:

"I would tell you to do something, anything, even the wrong thing, as long as it was something. My frustration as a church planter has never been with unbelievers, they have been some of our biggest supporters. It hasn't been with the local leadership, they have been there when we needed them. It has been with Christians who say they are for church planting but do nothing."

"Every church says it is in favor of church planting, they have meetings about it, talk about it, pray about it, and then do nothing about it. I think it's because they are afraid of the sacrifice or of making a wrong decision. I can deal with you guys making a mistake as long as you're honest about it. I can deal with you guys failing. I can't deal with just talking. I can't deal with just praying and doing nothing. I can't deal with my leadership doing nothing because of fear. Every church planter knows what the fear of making the wrong decision and the fear of failure feels like, but if we let those things stop us the job would never get done. "

"I was taught if you are praying it should be for God to guide you in what to do and if you have a meeting it should be to plan action. Don't just talk, pray, and fold your hands. Do something."

Maybe later I'll talk about what happened next, but that gives you an idea of my morning.

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