Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Things I'm Learning

These are the things that it feels like God has been trying to teach me lately. He's probably been trying to teach me most these things for the last decade, but hey, better late than never.

Trust - There is a lot of work that goes into planting a church, but at the end of it all, there are a lot of things that you are powerless to do anything about. For the last six months I've had to trust God with more things than ever before, strangely though, I'm not all stressed out like I use to be when things were not in my control.

Boldness - I'm a laid back kind of guy, when people are being idiots I tend to ignore them. I've found that speaking my mind has always gotten me into a lot of trouble, but I'm starting to see that it isn't about me. There are times when you have to be bold for the sake of others, weather it be for the lost, your family, or a member of your team. Today I had to tell the pastor of our mother church how I felt about a situation our team was being placed in. It felt good to be open and honest about something that wasn't right.

Self-Control - I've cut way back on my Pepsi intake and have started being more careful about how much I eat. I've lost about 20 pounds so far and I need to either buy new pants or a new belt. It hasn't been easy but I feel better than I have in a long while. Besides, would you rather go to the church with the fat pastor or would want to go to a church ran by a hot young pastor?

I'm sure God's trying to teach me other things like humility, but these will do for now.

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