Monday, March 5, 2007

1 Corinthians 1:27-29

Planting a church is changing me and I think it is changing everyone on the team. We still joke around about how anyone in their right mind would let a group like us plant a church and how the Denomination must have made a large mistake, but I'm starting to notice something amazing happening. Every week I see the people I've known for years doing things they have never done before. We are growing. Confidence is raising, fear is shrinking, problems are being tackled, we are becoming tight, we are becoming a unit, we are becoming what God needs us to be in order to reach the lost.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not having delusions of grandeur. At our core we are still a group of screw-ups, only we have a God who is larger than our ability to screw-up.

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