Thursday, March 1, 2007

Nothing Can Be Easy

I just found out that the school we are going to be meeting in needs some extra things stated on our insurance policy. I have ten days to do this before we lose our lease. I'm supposed to be in the school in 17 days. This probably isn't going to be a major problem but the idea of trying to get any large corporation to act fast is scary to me. So pray for us.

In the meantime, here are the other things that scare me:

1. God - Read Job if you don't understand what I'm talking about here.

2. Insects - A bit of a step down from #1, but if you grew up with the kind of bugs I grew up with you wouldn't be laughing. This kinda backs up #1 because for some insane reason God made these things.

3. Musicals - Imagine just going about your business and suddenly everyone busts out into song and dance around you, tell me that you don't find that the least bit disturbing.

4. Jellyfish - Do I really need to explain this one?

5. The People on TBN - I would not want to be alone in an elevator with these people.

6. Christian Book Stores - I've always had a fear of being surrounded by overpriced useless religious nick-knacks.

7. Sourdough - My father was killed by sourdough. The memories are still too fresh...

Well there it is, I'd say for the most part I'm a pretty brave and courageous guy.

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