Thursday, March 29, 2007

Girly Men in the Pulpit

I read an article not to long ago about how most pastors come off femine and just plain girly to most unchurched men. I can see where they are coming from. I went to a Bible college and the ratio of girly guys to manly men was pretty extreme. I remember talking with guys who would say things like, "Not to sound gay or anything, but I just am so moved in my spirit whenever I watch the sunset."

In order to combat this trend I've made a rule that the pastoral staff at The Venue is not allowed to be girly, with the exception of Bekah for obvious reasons (Jason cries a bit more than I think is healthy, but he builds things out of wood with power tools so it all evens out). We've had to put some barriers in place to make this work but it's for the greater good.

Here are some things that the men of our staff are not allowed to publicly confess to enjoying:

1. Kittens
2. Rainbows
3. Unicorns
4. Bubble baths
5. A good cry
6. VW Jettas
7. Romantic movies
8. Cuddling
9. Madonna (Sorry Kenny)
10. Facials
11. Kenny G
12. Tulips
13. Herbal Tea
14. Talking about their feelings
15. Hugging
16. Tom Cruise
17. Oprah
18. Manicures (Even if it does have "man" in the name)
19. Ponies
20. Making out with other men.

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