Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Not So Exciting Stuff

In order to compliment the post I made a couple of days ago, here is some stuff I'm not excited about:

1. Going to Work Tomorrow - Someone save me! Teaching first graders is as chaotic as herding cats. Only cats talk less and have better hygiene.

2. Overseeing the Evangelism Class Tomorrow - Nothing against the people at the class, but I just have a lot on my plate right now and it takes me longer to drive there and back than the time it takes me to administer the tests.

3. Rosie O'Donnell - Nothing about this woman excites me. The women at work were talking about how good The View has been since she's been on, but that's like saying the DMV has been better since they put in more ashtrays. A view is suppose to be something breath taking too look at not something that makes you want to stop breathing.

4. My Weddings - Don't get me wrong, it's good money and I love most of the couples I meet. It's just with working five days a week for one job and working for the church most of the day Sunday and a few nights throughout the week, Saturday is my only chance for a day off. I've decided to not take any more weddings after this season is over. I'll make a few exceptions but last year I did something like 100 and if I do that this year it's going to kill me.

5. Nascar - Tons of people in Vegas love this, but if I wanted to stand in the heat and watch cars go speeding around in circles for four hours in the hopes of seeing a crash every once in a while I'd just hang out on the freeway.

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