Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Children are Killing Me

I'm five weeks into substitute teaching for a maternity leave that will last something like eleven weeks and it's killing me. I have sixteen first graders constantly calling my name to ask stupid questions. I like the kids and the school, but I still find myself counting down the days until I'm done with this assignment.

Maybe it's because I've done way to much first grade this year or it could be because I've been without soda for four days, but I think the real reason I'm having so much trouble in this job is because I know it will be over soon.

I've decided to go back to working a more normal steady job and if everything goes well this will be my last teaching assignment for awhile. This isn't a decision I made lightly, anyone who knows me knows I hate working anything normal, but planting a church is going to require that I have some steady income for a time and so I'm going back into the land of the regular paycheck for a time.

I guess it's just hard to commit to the teaching thing knowing I need to be somewhere else. This is how I've felt about every church I was at while I was waiting to plant. It's not that they were bad assignments it was just that I knew I needed to be somewhere else. I wonder what life is going to be like now I'm where I'm supposed to be.

Oh well, at least tomorrow is Friday.

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