Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm So Hot

Church went pretty well today. The only thing I think that needs fixing right now is how hot it is. No, I'm not talking about how sexy I am, we all know about that. I'm talking about how it was 97 degrees in Vegas today and how we were beginning to feel it near the end of service.

We pay for AC in the school but it doesn't come on until 8AM and two hours isn't enough time to cool down that large of a room. I think we are going to have to bite the bullet and pay for the AC to come on a few hours before we get there for set-up so that the place will be comfortable by time service starts at 10AM. It's not that bad right now, but come late July when we start hitting 115+ degrees we'll be in sad shape if we don't do something.

What made today really nice is after church I got to do my favorite thing on a hot day, lay around with a friend in a quiet and climate controlled living room doing absolutely nothing. Man, I love being done working by 2PM.

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