Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Joy of Nothing

I feel awake again, I basically was a zombie yesterday but its amazing what 7 hours of sleep can do. We didn't do much yesterday but we did go catch a movie.

I have to tell you I'm really getting tired of paying a lot of money to sit through two hours of something that is just okay. To be honest I'm getting tired of spending two hours of my time on mediocre movies even when they are free to watch. There are a few exceptions, but honestly the majority of what I watch isn't worthy of the time it takes to see it.

More and more I find myself just happier to sit around and talk with my friends rather than to sit quietly and watch the same rehashed plot acted out by the overpaid and under talented. Just talking might seem terribly boring to most of you, but I guess it depends on your friends. We end up talking about the same things over and over again and most of what we talk about could be called nothing, but every once and awhile something profound comes out and surprises us. Through the talking about nothing and the willingness to be real and honest my core team of friends has became closer and continues to draw closer than any I have ever seen in ministry before.

I think that one of the problems that the church has in connecting with people is that they don't know how to talk about nothing. Everything has to serve a purpose and everything we do, with the exception of a short break here and there, must somehow meet that purpose. This is how businesses are run, but the church is to be a family and families do everything and nothing with each other and talk about everything and nothing with each other because this is how you learn to love one another.

If you are willing to give opportunities for the people in your church to just be together without an agenda or an expectation of it being a bible study or prayer meeting, but just let it be people together, bonds will form and people will start to find a sense of family. Do this and people will be more willing to study the bible and pray because the people they care about do these things and can testify to their benefit not because the business man in the pulpit told them they should.

The Venue starts its connection groups next week. Here goes nothing.

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